Welcome to the TinkerHost Community Forum!
Rules - Please read before posting
Here on the forum, our number one rule is respect. Everyone here is volunteering their time, nobody is getting paid to hang out and help, so please treat everyone with the respect they deserve.
We want to keep this a clean space, and a safe space. We have a strict no-tolerance policy for derogatory, degrading, and offensive posts. We understand anger, and the frustration that comes with building and managing websites, so please **** out your swear words. Never swear at someone here on the forum.
If you see something, say something. Trusted members (Holding "Member" status or above) are invited to use the flag icon to report a post. Please do not respond to spam, just flag it. Don't respond to inappropriate comments, just flag them. If our moderators are taking a long time to respond to the flag, remember that they have lives too, and will get to it when they can.
We should not have to say this, but only post your own stuff, and don't advertise without our permission.
To thank users for their ideas and solutions, please use the "Mark As Answer" button, and the "like" button!
TL;DR: In summary, let's keep this an enjoyable place to hang out ("Informal"), and support others ("Hosting Support" and "Community Guides").
Legally, we must state that you are bound to our Terms of Service while visiting the forum, and we will store and use your data in accordance with our privacy policy.
As a thank-you to our supporters and helpers, we have developed a rewards system on the forum. TinkerHost+ subscribers and community testers have special badges that can be found on their profile pages (Please note that these users are not staff, they are just amazing community members).
As you post more, and get more likes and support from other users, you will move up in our role system, granting you more freedom (Less restrictions), and trust to do more things on the forum (Sending private messages). With power comes responsibly, so please don't abuse any powers that you earn, they can get taken away.
Please see our badges page to learn more about these roles and achievements!
Our forum categories
- Hosting Support - Need support? Our community can help you out!
- Informal - Discuss ideas, share jokes, whatever!
- Announcements - New features, rules, etc.
- System Issues - System issues and outage announcements
- Community Guides - Have a tutorial you would like to share? Submit it here!
- Documentation - Official TinkerHost Documentation
Welcome to the forum, we are glad to have you here!